Caseish Launched!

After all the hard work,Caseish is finally launched at Google I/O 2010 in front of
various online application developers today.

Caseish is developed to serve as one great solution for every business challenge that may occur. It is a helpful management and collaboration tool which allows users to
easily manage difficult business processes in a shorter period of time. It makes everything simpler, faster and easier to handle.

Caseish also allows multi-collaborative works possible with the use of its equipped applications making communication instant and on a real time basis. Delays or anything similar is no longer a problem with Caseish.

With Caseish, every case management is guaranteed to be on the right track.

Subsequent to its release, it’s amazing how news about Caseish spread so fast. In fact, it has
tremendously received good reviews and news coverage.

Caseish has been
featured in one of’s post titled “Dansker promovere
Wave-baseret system,” and on another post in ReadWriteWeb
as one of the latest 5 Services that Leverage Google Wave.

We, behind Caseish,
look forward to seeing good stuffs like these and may it gain more popularity
in the coming days.

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