Automatic Migration of SAP PI/PO

SAP PI migrations are important if you are not on 7.5, you have 16 months to complete it.
For the last year, we have been building components that could help in the process. Now we are taking steps to bundle it all together so you as a user will get full support of the process.

Today I held a webinar to show what we have been working on, and get feedback if it was the correct direction. We did not get to show the full process, but it is not long before we can show it.

The goal is to be able to handle the processing of the full migration process automatically. There will be areas where you need to take and handle the processes your self.

  • Create test cases on your old landscape
  • Migrate Repository and Directory to the new landscape
  • Configure channels and ICOs in full landscape
  • Run testing in the new landscape
  • Manage the process

You can watch the replay of the presentation webinar

Want to try it

If you think this is interesting then your first step is to try out the Figaf IRT testing part of the application. You can try it for free on You will anyway need to create test cases on your old SAP PI system.
We currently support 7.31-7.5 and have a number of different ways to create and run tests. All are pretty easy to setup.
Download it for free now.
Then in a few weeks, we will show the first version of the tool.

Here are the slides

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