Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool

Migrations need to be done to keep the system up to date. Manual migrations are time consuming and come with a higher risk of failure. The Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool simplifies the migration projects and ensures that all migrations are made the same way. This way you get it done faster and at a lower cost.

The structure of Seeburger XML messages is different from the format supported by SAP’s new B2B Add-on. This means that you will need to perform a migration on each message mapping. The Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool helps you perform the upgrade automatically and with just a few clicks. You get consistent migrated mappings, that enables you to save a lot of time on the migration. Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool supports all formats of SAP B2B Add-on in the conversion.


Update it many also help you with your Migration to Integration Suite

AkzoNobel really needs something that is able to do automated tests, to improve the overall quality of the system and to reduce the amount of work that has to be done by the user.

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Discover Figaf Seeburger Migration Features:

Convertion of message mapping

Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool supports the formats X12, EDIFACT, VDA, Tradacom, Odette with the click of a button. If there are any errors in the migration, you will get warnings. Our support can furthermore add some custom rules that fits convertion of your specific mappings.

Supports all formats

Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool supports the formats X12, EDIFACT, VDA, Tradacom, Odette with the click of a button. If there are any errors in the migration, you will get warnings. Our support can furthermore add some custom rules that fits convertion of your specific mappings.

Fixed price on your project

Figaf Seeburger Migration Tool is priced at 100 EUR/Mapping converted.

You can get bulk discounts depending on number of mappings. So you have a much greater input on your project cost. 

What are clients saying about Figaf?

Convincing the development team to use the Figaf DevOps Tool was fairly easy because of it’s ease of use.

The tool is really great to help facilitate, save money and especially save so many hours. The figaf tool is the most holistic approach, and easy to get everything set up."

Figaf covers the needs for the entire development process and is a (the only) software that allows you to automate the delivery of your SAP Integration.

"The Figaf tool allows us to test our system in a simple way before upgrades. We saved a lot of time on our first upgrade project. It is user-friendly, which made it popular amongst our developers."

Figaf Migration and Testing Bundle

Because testing is a best practice for migration projects we recommend bundling the FIGAF Seeburger Migration Tool with the Figaf Testing Tool. Depending on your project the Figaf Migration Tool can help you to further automate and improve your migration process. Talk to our senior consultant for details or book an Integration Workshop to analyse your situation.

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Whitepaper: How to Deliver SAP Integration Fast and in High Quality

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