Christmas is the time when you would like to be with your loved ones. And not work on a support case to manage SAP Integration.
This is why we want to help you. We can give you a free 30-day trial of the Figaf tools to making monitoring of your SAP PI and CPI system much easier.
At Figaf we want to make it easier for you to support your SAP PI/CPI and API Mgt system, so you can get time to be with your loved ones and not spending time on finding and solving bugs that somebody else already have solved before. The Figaf has one generic way to handle alerts, so it is much easier for you to handle the support of the system.
We have created a little video that shows you how fast you can get started with the tool.
Try Figaf
As you have seen in the video it is pretty simple to start Figaf IRT.
You can download the on-prem version here or if you want to monitor CPI and API mgt then use the Figaf Cloud.