Free as the Bird presentation on freelancing at Danish Computer world Expo

freelance presentation imageI was happy to be included as a speaker at Computer World Expo 2013. Computer World Expo is the biggest computer event in Denmark this year. It was really nice to be invited to talk about being a freelancer.

It is not often that I get to talk about the role as a freelancer. But once I tried to drill more in to the content it was much more interesting and I found that I had a lot to say. Way too much to say in the time allocated.

I had to focus my presentation on one area around the motivation for becoming a freelancer. It was quite interesting to find the best ideas to put into the presentational. I think I did a good job on telling some of the good and bad things around being a freelancer in the IT world. I could tell it based on just SAP or even more precise around SAP Process Integration. But it would not fit with the audience.


After the talk I meet with 3 other SAP consultants, so even it was not specific a SAP conference there was some SAP consultants to talk with. There was also Microsoft developers and project managers how found the presentation interesting and I got to talk with around the topic.


The key topics were covered in an article in Computer World around how to get started as a freelancer.


Since the limited time it was not all the do’s and don’ts I could spend time on. So I focus the presentation on motivation on why being a freelancer is great. I therefore created a check list with all the things that you must know. I would highly recommend you to go thru this list if you are considering being a freelancer.


You can find the free guide on how to a freelancer at

I was happy to be included as a speaker at Computer World Expo 2013. Computer World Expo is the biggest computer event in Denmark this year. It was really nice to be invited to talk about being a freelancer.


It is not often that I get to talk about the role as a freelancer. But once I tried to drill more in to the content it was much more interesting and I found that I had a lot to say. Way too much to say in the time allocated.


I had to focus my presentation on one area around the motivation for becoming a freelancer. It was quite interesting to find the best ideas to put into the presentational. I think I did a good job on telling some of the good and bad things around being a freelancer in the IT world. I could tell it based on just SAP or even more precise around SAP Process Integration. But it would not fit with the audience.


After the talk I meet with 3 other SAP consultants, so even it was not specific a SAP conference there was some SAP consultants to talk with. There was also Microsoft developers and project managers how found the presentation interesting and I got to talk with around the topic.


The key topics were covered in an article in Computer World around how to get started as a freelancer.


Since the limited time it was not all the do’s and don’ts I could spend time on. So I focus the presentation on motivation on why being a freelancer is great. I therefore created a check list with all the things that you must know. I would highly recommend you to go thru this list if you are considering being a freelancer.


You can find the free guide on how to a freelancer at

foto: Alexander Haslund IDG

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