Getting AWS SAP PO system back online

I had an issue today. I was doing a performance test on my new SAP PI adapter for Swift SAA SOAP. I was processing 8000 messages with a lot of logging and attachments. Which was probably not a good idea to test on the system. I was using SAPs Amazon Webservices (AWS) cloud image or a SAP PI / SAP PO system, it is intended to learn on.

I guess that you first learn it when it is too late.

I had to search for how to solve the issue, but I could not find it. I had to figure it out my self and I’ll share it.

I’m not a database expert and I’ll not in any way recommend using the approach on a productive system. I don’t even know if it is a good idea to do on my AWS image. But it solved my issues so I guess that I just need to back up my development, so I can recover data on a separate system.

The first thing I noticed was that no messages was process. I thought that it was my adapter, which did not work as expected and a thread or memory leak. So I tried to restart the system. Then I could not the J2EE server to start. I got the following view in the SAP system administration.

I guess was that the issue had something to do with the database MaxDB. There was not delivered any visual administration tools with t he installation. Only some command line interfaces. Which is a bit difficult to get to use if you don’t know them. That is why I love GUIs for databases. They are much better at giving you information on where you need to change.

I had to search for a GUI to MaxDB but found on at

Installing the tool was no problem. The issue was to find the database username and password. I just had to connect to C73 with user Superdba and password Abcd1234

I have done two different things to get database online again. I guess both of the will work seperatly.

The first was to select overwrite of the log. This is done from Configuration > Log Settings >Select Overwrite Mode for Log Area

This option may have caused me to swift the database to administration mode, but since it was not online it was no problem.

I also tried to add more log space. I guess that this just mean that I’ll get the issue later.

I must have messed up something in the MaxDB gui, sometime the gui fails to retrieve some tables.

For now my PO system is running again and I can restart my testing and developing my SAP PO Course.

The post Getting AWS SAP PO system back online appeared first on SAP PI course.

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