How Did You Learn SAP Integration?


I was talking to my little brother yesterday. He is a medical doctor and he is currently finishing his higher education. In this phase, he is working as a general practitioner – but he has supervision. So every day he has 30 minutes to talk about some of the experiences he is going through in this important period. This is quite a privilege when trying to master a craft. I don’t think that I had that option when I started learning SAP XI, 10 years ago.

survey on clipboard shows very good 

I also went through a learning process. There were two standard SAP XI courses and some e-learning. I had to become an expert in my own field. That was a bit challenging. I was supposed to know how everything would work, and how to design and solve issues. I really learned a lot during that phase. One of my advantages was that I had a few colleagues I could call to discuss my strange questions. I had many questions, I did not know anything about design back then. Those conversations really helped me get started.


We all have our different learning paths that help us become who we want to be. There are a lot of things we must do to fully understand the concepts of SAP Integration.


I’m getting quite a lot of requests regarding new SAP PI/PO roles at the moment, from all over the globe. It must mean that there is a requirement for SAP Customers to get new PI developers. I can tell that customers aren’t keen on having novice SAP PI developers working for them. There are some concepts that you must understand before you can become an expert PI developer.


I’m looking into effective methods of improving various people’s skills in the area of PI/PO development, so they can get started faster. I would like to hear about your learning journey. What was important for you? What is the best path to follow in order to become an expert developer? By ensuring that new developers can receive this crucial information, we can make sure they speed up their learning process.


Another part of the survey is focused on how you currently work. Even though you have been working with SAP XI/PI/PO for many years, there are still new use cases and different ways to solve new issues. It is also possible that a new, improved feature has been introduced. Sharing your objectives with your colleagues and receiving feedback on your projects is always a good idea. I have also put some of this into the survey.


So if you have some free time, please spend a few minutes filling out this survey:


The post How Did You Learn SAP Integration? appeared first on SAP PI course.

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