Webinar Recap: Testing in SAP Cloud Integration with Figaf

For this webinar, we discussed different aspects of testing your cloud integration and showcased the capabilities of testing automation with the Figaf.

Why do you want test?

You will want to test to avoid problems currently in the code. Moreover, with a good testing practice, you cover the unexpected test cases that can be missed or forgotten by developers. Testing makes it easier to resolve bugs before production because it’s easier to do it then.

Standard testing options

One option for testing is where developers can create unit tests to run test code or XSLT. Moreover, this option will require a git repository where you have code that users can run in combination with a good governance to ensure the scripts is maintained.

Another testing option is running simulations of IFlows and message mappings. Developers insert a payload and see if it is possible to run the test cases. Also, with each test case, you can have save files. However, if you are testing with large payloads, it can be challenging to spot errors.

Lastly, you can test IFlows if you build your IFlows that run with HTTP and a status back. Additionally, you can setup assertions in the payload or connect to receiving systems to see the data is there. However, it will require a lot of effort setup and ensure they can always run.

Automate your testing

Testing your cloud integration can be tedious and manual. However, you can automate your testing procedure. In the webinar, we discussed how you can automate your testing procedures including recording your test cases from your IFlows to creating mock endpoints of your IFlow.

Testing your SAP PI to CPI migration

With Figaf, you can test your SAP PI to CPI migration as well. With our tool, you will be able to test your migration scenarios. You will be able to fetch test data from your SAP Process Integration. Moreover, you will convert this data directly into SAP Cloud Integration test cases which will process the documents and you will see the results.

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