Some of the common problems with SAP PI/PO support is the following:
If you are doing SAP PI/PO support have you been woken up in 3 am. by an SAP PI/PO interface not working. You have known there may be a document that describes possible error situation so you can either try to find it or just start to find the solution to the problem self.
You have outsourced your SAP PI support and always get the same ticket back, with the information they cannot find a description of the solution.
You have a full mailbox of SAP PI/PO, and don’t know which of them you need to solve.
I have been doing all the above in my time at different clients. It is something that I hate doing, but it is an important part of the delivery.
There are two kinds of errors in an SAP PI/PO context.
- Errors that repeat and solvable by actions like restart the message, refresh of the cache or send a mail to the business user in charge.
- Errors that occur because a coding error that will be fixed and never occur again (hopefully).
If it is a common error then it should be automatic to solve it, if possible like resent or cancel if you cannot do anything with he messages anyway. Otherwise, there should be a description of how to solve the problem. It is not useful if it is saved in some word document that describes the scenario but possible not updated.
There should be an easy way to learn from your previous errors and add the solution to them, so the next person doesn’t have to rediscover the reason.
I wanted to create a tool that could help identify the errors that were occurring and help customers solve them fast. Some years ago I created a simple support tool that works by downloading all alerts form the SAP PI/PO system, convert it to XML with the payload. This allows you to set up rules using Xpath really fast to set up new rules.
Then when new errors come it will simply find the first rule where an XPath matches and process the operation as it has set up. A rule includes an option to send a message to an email and to cancel or reprocess a message. This will make a lof the troubleshooting easier.
So you can notify the business that there is an order missing master data, then they can fix it without involving you.
You can download the tool free on and start using it in your organization. You can have upto 5 rules for free. If you want more you can get it for just 5000 EUR a year.
[av_button label=’Download the Support Tool for free’ link=’manually,#simplero-landing-page-96507′ link_target=” size=’Large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ admin_preview_bg=” av_uid=’av-26u9pg’]
It is really fast to implement the solution and get it up and run. It will probably take 15 minutes to get it running on your system.
And did I mention it is integrated with our SAP PI lifecycle tool to track all your development and the testing solution we have? They are all packed into the same solution.