We created a lot of new interesting features in 2022. A lot of new innovations to make it easier to manage integration. It was nice to recall everything we have made. Some of my highlights are the following below.
We created a combined 22 releases and patches over the year, with a lot of features.
Transport improvement
We have improved the flow for handling transports both in SAP PI/PO, Cloud Integration and also in API management. In most releases we have added different features to simplify the process of transporting and renaming objects.
We have moved our CPI/API management to use our new composite landscape that gives you a lot better of better options to rename objects, handle governance and approvals.
We have been investing in the way we manage PI/PO transports and scenarios to make the tool more usable for larger scenarios including:
- Rename Business system and reconfigure channels and ICOS so they all match
- Batch import and rollback of transport to make life easier
- Overview of changes
- Improved testing options simplify the process
- Scale up the tool to work with a larger installation
January Release
Deployment on SAP BTP Cloud Foundry to make it easier to run Figaf for customers. Getting access to an internal servers to run the Figaf tool on. Since many SAP customers has access to BTP Pay as you Go or other ways to easy add extra credits. With Cloud connector you have access to SAP PI/PO system for helping with migrations to Integration Suite.
We have though experienced different challenges that users would need to overcome mostly including entitlements and getting the correct access. We have improved for the different bugs we have seen.
For transports of SAP CPI we have improved the way object renaming takes place, so you with simple queries can customize how your virtual tenants renames objects. It was later improved with predefined templates to make life easier.
Rollback for SAP Cloud Integration and API management transports so you can rollback transports if you found you had introduced some problem.
February Release
Here you could see changes once you imported a CPI iFlow it made it a lot easier to find the link to Figaf and other tools.
BTP added option to connect with SAP PI/PO system and be used for migrations.
March Release
We gave free access to our SAP PI/PO and SAP CPI/Cloud Integration courses, which makes the process of learning the platform easier.
We added the image diagram of your iFlows to improve documentation, so once you export the documentation you can see much more.
April Release
Overview of the SAP PI/PO to Integration Suite migration. We wanted to give you a process to handle the migration. This was our migration overview the place you will start once you handle the migration. You have one overview where you can see what is going on with your migration.
New composite landscape to handle SAP Cloud Integration and API management. This allows you to setup a full landscape and guides you to the process.
You can have different approvers and in your landscape. It will come with predefined names of your objects for the transport.
May Release
Improved mocking of SAP Cloud Integration iFlows was improved. Previous we just had mocking of request reply. But we had some clients that ran into a problem and needed to use some of the other adapters like send, poll and enrich patterns. We improved the feature to support all the patterns.
See the mock feature improvements here.
Here we added support for script collections and message mappings once you handled the transports of the objects. This allows you to transport individual scripts collections and also use it in our virtual landscape.
We also got the landscape report to give you an overview of what you have transported into production and where there are iFlows that differs in development versus production.
PI to CPI migrations now support XSLT and Java mappings that are converted into empty Groovy script.
June Release
We got support for CPIhelper in Figaf. It made tasks much easier for developers to perform the tasks like synchronize an iFlow to Figaf or to create a test case based on a trace message processed.
July Release
Figaf Cloud. We wanted to revamp the trial experience to enable you to be able try Figaf in a much shorter time. We made a better guide that would help you setup a SAP Cloud Integration agent and create a landscape in just 10 minutes. It is possible now with the guides. After the 10 minutes you can have your first transport of an iFlow using the virtual tenant setup.
I think this is really a good way to show developers how they can access the tool and get started with Figaf.
Import multiply transports in on go. We had some clients that wanted to import multiply transports in one go. Now you can import multiply transport in one go making it much faster to do bulk import in for your releases.
Export of data from a number of iFlows overview. This will allow you to create a CSV/Excel report where you can see iFlow name, Message ID, but also the other attributes like Sender Receiver and custom properties. This makes things a lot easier for developers and business experts to see what is going on.
SAP PI/PO Assessment tooling to make it easier for you to understand your landscape and what you need to migrate. We have been improving this over time to make it easier for you to plan your migration. I think this is a must for your migration and you can use it for free to get an understanding of your migration.
August Release
August release this was a small release with a few improvements in different areas of the application. This was to give you a way to select where you wanted to test the messages in a graphical overview.
September Release
Improved SAP PI/PO to Cloud Integration testing. We have made many improvements in the process to make it easier to create test cases on SAP PI and migrate the tests to Cloud Integration. We have a few more improvements planned.
Webhooks to allow you to integrate Figaf with your other platforms like Jira, ServiceNow. This will allow you to improve your transport process.
October Release
We improve the overview of transport to show you a better way what is being
We added the ability to connect to Integration Suite even with users. We now added our own Identity Provider to ensure we can login to SAP Integration Suite.
Transport overview so you in one Excel easily can see what parameters you have configured. This will make it much faster to export large
SAP PI/PO Transport configuration that gives you an overview of what your transport has of impact.
Naming conventions checker to see if your objects follow the naming conventions. You can setup rules and get tags based on the different contents. You can also search for objects that does not match the naming convention. API management now supports Service Keys and is using public APIs.
November Release
Migration Edition to give users free access to use the Figaf DevOps Suite with expanded migration capabilities. This gives you access to our tool to test your migration SAP PI to Integration suite migration for up to 12 months for free.
The cool part was to be mentioned at SAP TechEd with this collaboration with SAP
December Release
Here we added the Neo to Cloud Foundry migration to help customers move faster to the new platform. This will make your processes much faster. We have simplified the process for your migration.
We added a guide to simplify the onboarding with Integration Suite and our Custom Identity Provider to make it easier for customers to get started.
Assessment has been improved with some more useful information that you will need when performing migration like RFCLookup, Parameters For PI to CPI migration we added some improvements in Function Libs conversion to groovy to make it easier for you to handle. You now get warning for what can be a problem for the migrated class.
Future Plans
As the saying goes, it is best to invent the future.
Some of the ideas we have for 2023 are:
- Overview over the Cloud Integration transport so you get a better view of the governance and can see what is going on.
- Improving PI Test data collection to simplify the creation of test data and allow you to much easier create data for your migration.
- PI to CPI Migration (PI Elevation) we will be improving our migration tool to create much more enterprise ready iFlows.
- Make it easier to have good processes for your integration
- Full rollout and explanation of the different versions (“editions”) of the Figaf DevOps Suite including the Migration Edition
- Large number of smaller improvements around the application
I am happy with what we achieved in 2022, but I am even more excited about what we have planned for 2023. So stay tuned.